How Can Nachos And Iron Maiden Help You Optimize?
How can they specifically help you increase your focus, energy, productivity and earn more money?
At the SAME time how can they then decrease that computer belly?
Here’s the deal
Each client I work with we need to find the ‘why’ the motivator and I also am not a massive fan on boring shitty diets which involve you boiling chicken and steaming broccoli 5 times a day
Unless it is for a medical reason, obviously
But here’s what I had to do myself and you could try this also
First thing is that you may have notice, I love nachos, like obsessively, it’s like a religion, if nachos are on the menu I will have them, usually a sharing portion to myself
I didn’t choose the nacho life, the nacho life chose me
How can both myself AND my clients eat out and choose the nacho life?
Usually we will do something you’ve pretty much certainly heard of
‘Intermittent Fasting’
You simply have a window of eating and it’s supposed to give you all these cool things by not eating first thing
– Better insulin sensitivity
– Better focus
– More energy
– Better digestion
Blah, Blah fuckedy blah
It let’s me eat nachos two to three times a week WITH all the cheese AND all the chilli so I like it
Science aside, it works for me
Science is also good though, don’t forget that. But I am keeping it simple.
The other thing?
Iron Maiden
I won’t say I am a super fan like my A-Play client Ron
On my VIP package where I go and stay with a client we state we MUST do some fun shit too, last year Ron took me to see these guys in California, not like ‘should have gone to Specsavers’ tickets but full on right at the front where the mosh pit dudes are
I digress
When I am in the gym, I am in the gym, focused, airplane mode on
But I have a soundtrack which gets me fired up. Walking around with my bullshit blockers in my ears ready for my hard working set
Today was deadlift day and I had my soundtrack ready for my max set –
The Number Of The Beast – BOOM
My brain gets trigged, my mind goes into full force CONFIDENCE ON LOCK when this comes on now
But screw the gym, I wondered how I could use this to turn on BOSS MODE (not beast mode as much as that would be a perfect title but I don’t believe in beast mode, I’ll leave that to the selfie crew on Insta)
It goes on right after my meditation and morning run EVERY morning
Get’s me fired up ready to BOSS the day
Also is good if I am struggling with fasting to know I can dial the Number Of The Beast in order to plough through to earn my nachos
Therefore, Iron Maiden helps with Intermittent Fasting and Focus, Intermittent Fasting helps me earn my Nachos
Nachos make me happy
I lose fat
I earn more
I get more focus and all that sciencey swizzle
Happy Days!
Want to eat nachos and lose fat? Let’s talk