I meet so many businessmen and entrepreneurs who know they need to make a change in their personal lives. Their businesses are smashing it but it’s...
The truth about coffee
The truth about coffee... I love coffee. Let’s get that out there straight away. It tastes amazing and I know first-hand what a pick-me-up it...
How to get your stress under control
Do you have bouts where you feel like you’re smashing through everything in your life? Your business is going great... Your relationship is on...
How Can I Improve My Mental and Emotional Health?
Mcany of us have heard of the term ‘fight or flight’ but not many of us have heard of the term ‘rest and heal’. So how do we ‘rest and heal’ and is...
How Do I Spot I Am Stressed?
I was recently asked to be the after-dinner speaker for the Cambridge Business Leaders Lunch, talking about stress management and specifically how...
How Do I Stop Getting Migraines and Feeling Fatigued?
A discussion that came up the other day. We were talking about health and fitness. Now we say people are a fitness coach or a health coach or a...
The Biggest Mistake People Make With Their Health
If you wake up at different times or sleep at different times it’s going to be super hard to optimise your health. That's just the harsh truth in...
My Honest Truth
I said I was going to be a bit more open and a bit more truthful about some of the reasons I do what I do as a health coach, working with...